I’m Mitchell and I’ve been walking the path of self-knowledge for 5 years. I found my teacher in Brazil in 2015, it has been a journey ever since and not an easy one at that. It comes full of twists, turns, highs and lows and it still persists to unravel. Right now the most important thing for me is balance in the everyday by building positive habits. Over time I’ve been finding more peace, authentic joy and happiness and learning to walk with life rather than against it.

My initiation to the Vision Quest commenced in 2018 in Brazil with my teacher, Xamam Alba Maria. During my time in Brazil I entered the circle many times - all different durations and intentions. I really found my medicine. Since then my initiation has included Vision Quests in different climates and in landscapes of snow, mountains and ocean. The desert is still to come. I’m always yearning to be back on my next quest, back in the circle, simplifying and reconnecting.

My beliefs are that nature is an amazing healer and teacher. Reconnecting and learning to work with nature is an important step into our future. As well as finding purpose or passion, something that helps you live a more embodied life. I also believe in guiding the younger generation. We are all angels on a dusty road and for those who have cleaned the dust off themselves and wish to become elders, this is of utmost importance. I am yet to start this work, planning to integrate it into the Vision Quest soon.

As I write this I am in Terra Mirim, Brazil studying the Shamanism of the Great Mother Godess and learning more about myself in the process.
